Name: Mini Projector Video-Beamer Movie Bluetooth Salange Android Lumens Home Theater 1080P
SKU: 4000161713115
Rated 4.8/5
based on 190 Reviews
salange Official Store
Price :$68.90 In stock
Best Home Audio & Video from salange Official Store for Mini Projector Video-Beamer Movie Bluetooth Salange Android Lumens Home Theater 1080P
When it comes to online shopping there is clearly lots of difference between E-shop and real shop. Even though E-shop is not an company - the goods are exposed in the form of some pictures on the website in order to make people know more about these products Mini Projector Video-Beamer Movie Bluetooth Salange Android Lumens Home Theater 1080P without actually touching them. The real shop has everything on display, which we are able to touch, however , we must keep our homes to do this....More
Customer reviews:
Date: 26 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Projetor conforme a descrição, Disparado, o projetor HD com o melhor custo e benefício do Aliexpress, ótimo Brilho,contrastes e cores vivas, dá para assistir com a luz acesa, entrega rápida para o Brasi RJ, menos de 15 Dias, não fui taxado pela alfândega, produto Bem embalado, muito satisfeito, Brasileiros podem comprar sem dúvidas, Projetor com ruído imperceptível,o meu ventilador faz mais barulho, incrível como o Projetor é silêncioso... Feliz de Mais
Date: 12 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
O projetor é incrível. Ele é leve, razoavelmente pequeno, simples de utilizar. Faz pouco ruído, a qualidade da caixa de som é bem aceitável, por enquanto estou usando o som do projetor sem problemas. Aconselho a todos comprar, a qualidade da imagem me surpreendeu MUITO.
Date: 14 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Просто бомба) В восторге все, и взрослые, и дети) Смотрели через телефон, слушали через колонки:) Доставка недели 2, на почту
Date: 10 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
отличный проектор, рекомендую))
Date: 26 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Пришёл быстро. Все отлично. Пробовал днем, без экрана.
Date: 26 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
товар пришел очень быстро немного шумит, остальное Ок
Date: 14 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Muy bien embalado, en principio parece muy buena calidad a falta de probar ya que es para regalo a otra persona. Tardó un poco pero supongo que es por la actual situación de emergencia sanitaria.
Date: 03 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Очень хорошая упаковка. Хотя коробка и была немного помята по дороге, но проектор не был повреждён. Работает хорошо.
Date: 02 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
замечательный проектор, чётко показывает звук хороший, пришёл быстро
Date: 29 Jan 2021Logistics: Special Line-YW
goede kwaliteit, alleen geluid heel zacht! je moet er een soundbar bij kopen maar verder top!
Date: 30 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
продавец отправлял долго. посдыка пришла относительно быстро. коробка пришла размокшая, но на работу не повлияло очень даже неплохо для такой цены, но я ожидал чего-то большего. смотрю на серых обоях в мелкую крапинку и думаю, как скрафтить полотнище. звука из самого проектора вполне достаточно. если задротите по качеству, то лучше не берите
Date: 04 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Упаковка помята. Но внутри всё целое.
Date: 17 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
hasta ahora lo que se a probado va súper bien, el material se ve de buena calidad y su relación precio imagen es muy buena, recomiendo el producto. algo demorado pero entendible por la pandemia
Date: 11 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Great little projector. The picture quality was crisp clear. The brightness was perfect. Would highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a projector!
Date: 13 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
It worth the money. You can project the moive on anywhere of your white wall.
Date: 05 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This projector is not big and is very portable, as long as you a wall plug available. This projector is really great for the little kids for when they sleep over. They have their own screen to look at and great to game on.
Date: 19 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Bought this cheap projector just to help me trace large images, but the quality is actually pretty good so I might use this for some movies from time to time.
Date: 26 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Bought it for my grandson and he was thrilled!! Easy to use. Great picture quality ( even on a bumpy wall). I was surprised to get a projector like this for under $100!
Date: 05 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
I like that I am now able to project lectures anywhere that I have a wall and an outlet. The fan is a little loud but will be less noticeable in a bigger room. Also, keep in mind that the focus is manually done at the lens. Very happy with my purchase and would recommend it!
Date: 19 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
This has been working well for us so far. Kids love watching their shows and movies on the big screen. Brightness could have been better when placed a little farther from the white screen. I like its versatility of using various input sources and its own wifi connectivity.