Name: Lcd-Screen-Kits Pre-Cut-Shell-Case Gba Backlight Ips V2 Console-Housing with for 10-Levels/high-Brightness
SKU: 4000440930444
Rated 4.8/5
based on 302 Reviews
WMe Amor Store
Price :$45.62 In stock
Best Video Games from WMe Amor Store for Lcd-Screen-Kits Pre-Cut-Shell-Case Gba Backlight Ips V2 Console-Housing with for 10-Levels/high-Brightness
Many trusted online retailers will court your business by offering additional Lcd-Screen-Kits Pre-Cut-Shell-Case Gba Backlight Ips V2 Console-Housing with for 10-Levels/high-Brightness and savings if you join their mailing list, use their proprietary credit card or become a member of their internet club. If you like doing business with all of them, you can sometimes score beneficial coupons, discounts and even freebees by keeping your account active....More
Customer reviews:
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
is like day and night! awesome screen,very nice screen finally i can play in the day and night. shipping was crazy fast . i totally recommend the ips v2 screen.
Date: 05 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
me asuste un poco ya que me.pediam que fuera a correos de México y ahí no me daban razón, pero al fin llego
Date: 23 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Produto chegou muito rápido e muito bem embalado, qualidade do produto 100%! Espero poder comprar novamente em breve!
Date: 23 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
pros: 1) super fast shipping. like, less than a month. 2) product arrived safely packaged 3) product works well and was a fairly easy install. 4) if you buy a shell, they are in pretty good quality and the cut is done well. cons: 1) there weren't really instructions so you'll have to watch a few different YouTube videos to understand how to install it. 2) installing in a 32pin is kind of scary/troublesome and requires you to fold the cable somewhat which seems fine for now but in the long run I can only imagine damage.
Date: 14 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
I am very happy with it..a must buy!!!
Date: 16 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
cómo siempre el envío llegó rápido, excelente calidad aunque se requiere algo de destreza
Date: 11 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Estoy muy contento con el producto y la tienda, voy al volver a comprar con ellos. Primera vez que hago este tipo de modificación y salió todo bien la pantalla es de muy alta calidad y la carcasa me gustó que fuera clásica y elegante muy contento. Volvería a comprar.
Date: 12 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
defiantly worth doing if you wanna play gba, actually surprised with how well everything fits didn't have any issues
Date: 10 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
дисплей просто бомба! но вот корпус не очень, заусенцы, непроливы местами, крышка батареек болтается... три часа допиливал корпус, получилось вполне прилично. шло полтора месяца до беларуси.
Date: 05 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
EXCELENTE! A carcaça pré-cortada é de excelente qualidade, muito semelhante mesmo com a original, a tela IPS encaixou perfeitamente, tive alguns problemas de FLICK na tela, ao ligar o GBA ela ficava piscando o backlight mas não aparecia nada, após pesquisar um pouco na internet, descobri que era um erro causado por "pressionar a tela", então apnas removi o adesivo que deveria prender a tela IPS na carcaça plástica para que a tela não ficasse mais pressionada e tudo funcionou normalmente. Após a compra, eu tive várias dúvidas sobre como escolher as peças para o console e a atendente da loja prontamente tirou todas as minhas dúvidas, sem brincadeira foi a melhor experiência de compra que já tive no AliExpress!! Vale muito a pena, recomendo para quem quer dar uma "sobrevida" ao Gameboy Advance!
Date: 08 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
super bien envuelto. llego a tiempo solo me queda probar la pantalla en el gba pero hasta el momento se ve super bien 5/5
Date: 12 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
todo en perfecto estado, tal cual, el cambio fue fácil, sin soldaduras.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 27 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Очень качественный продукт! После получения напишите продавцу и он вышлет инструкцию по установке (фото), не совсем для данного экрана (видимо V1), но разобраться можно. Требуется пайка 3-х проводов для регулировки яркости по нажатию SELECT + shift L / shift R. В комплекте: все кнопки, 2 защитных экрана (пластик и стекло), 2 отвёртки (X и Y), комплект винтов, наклейка, световод для индикации питания, дисплей с драйвером (на 32 и 40 выводов), заглушки для правильного позиционирования экрана, уплотнитель для экрана, клейкая лента и корпус с фрезеровкой для установки экрана. Качество картинки великолепное! Теперь можно играть в полной темноте (запаситесь батарейками!)
Date: 02 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Date: 14 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
100% satisfecho con mi compra, la consola quedó excelente, se ve espléndida tanto su carcasa como su pantalla, lo que si, fue complicado el tema de la regulación de brillo, pero con cautin y estaño todo se puede
Date: 26 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Feliz llego a Chile en 2 semanas ya lo instalé y todo bien! Gracias! buen trabajo.
Date: 23 Oct 2020Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
The item took 3 months to arrive, but it's a really good one. Go for it and your GBA will look better than ever.
Date: 09 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
2nd time I buy from this seller. super nice products!
Date: 09 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Muy bonita, contiene todo lo que se muestra en la imagen. Viene precortada.
Date: 05 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Todo Fantástico, pero ojo con la carcasa verde clara ya que tiene defecto y no se puede atornillar. Una pena... La devolví y me hicieron un reembolso.